2025 KCPC Vacation Bible School (VBS) Nursery (영아부) Registration - Volunteer/ PK

6/23(Mon) ~ 6/27 (Fri) | Please submit one form per child.
If you have any questions, please email to promiseland@kcpc.org.
 Date: 6/23 (Mon) ~ 6/27 (Fri)
• Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
• For: Age 3 (10/01/2021 ~ 09/30/2022, must be potty trained)
• Limit: 50 (정원 : 50명)
 Contact: 김주영 전도사  juyoung.kim@kcpc.org
Child's Information

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Parent/Guardian's Information

Emergency Contact

Other Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
PARENTAL CONSENT - Medical Release Waiver 


- MEDICAL TREATMENTAs a guardian of the above named student, I hereby release and agree to hold harmless Korean Central Presbyterian Church and designated leaders from all liability for damage, illness or injury. In case of emergency, I give permission to have my child transported to the Emergency Room of the nearest hospital, and the medical staff has my authorization to provide medical treatment for my child. 

- PHOTO CONSENTRegistering my child for KCPC VBS implies consent to take photographs and videotaping that include my child for newsletters and promotional media purposes. Children will not be identified by name in photo captions.
- ILLNESS POLICY: Please keep your child at home or expect to pick up your child from VBS for the following conditions: fever (100° or more), headache, vomiting, diarrhea, severe itching, pain, sore throat, infected skin or eyes or undiagnosed rash, difficulty in breathing, persistent cough, phlegm and lice. 

- MISBEHAVIOR POLICY: The VBS team will contact you to pick up your child when your child engages in behavior that is disruptive to the orderly operations of VBS.
Please select all that apply.

The Registration processing will NOT be completed without full payment.

- VBS Fee : $10 (per child), No sibling discount, Non-Refundable
Thank you for registrering your child at KCPC Vacation Bible School (VBS) and we look forward to seeing your child soon!


6/23(Mon) ~ 6/27 (Fri)
Please submit one form per child.
If you have any questions, please email to promiseland@kcpc.org.